Monday, March 31st, 2025

Want to pitch? Play golf.

July 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Pitching

I’ve always been a big fan of Cliff Lee.  I still am even though he is currently winless in 2012.  The current buzz around Philly is centering around the question “Why is Cliff Lee still winless?”  

In the beginning of the season, his lack of wins was clearly a case of no run support.  Lately, not so much.  He has a 7.40 ERA in

Lose your focus in this game or in pitching and your smile will fade pretty quickly

his last four starts.  When asked what he thinks the problem is, Phillies manager Charlie Manuel said “I don’t know.  It’s hard to explain.”  Cliff Lee himself said “I really don’t have an explanation.”  His pitching coach on the other hand has some ideas but is apparently not sharing them with the media.  However, earlier this season, pitching coach Rich Dubee stated that he was not happy with his staffs’ inability to focus for an entire game.  

With regards to Cliff Lee, I think Rich Dubee nailed it.  A lack of focus.  I remember Greg Maddux saying that if you want to be a good pitcher, take up the game of golf.  He wasn’t kidding.  

In a typical round of golf, the average person is going to hit around 100 shots.  Of course, some hit less and some hit many more.  If you’ve ever played golf you know how hard it is to give 100% focus on every single shot.  Lose focus even a little and you end up with an eight on a par three.  Pitching is no different.  Lose focus for just 5 pitches during a 100 pitch outing and you can easily give up 10 runs.  Pitch long enough and it will happen to you at least once.

This is why Maddux recommended taking up golf.  The focus needed to play a good round of golf is the same focus a pitcher needs in an good outing.  !00% focus on every single pitch.  Anything less and you’re in for trouble.

Cliff Lee will eventually win a game but to consistently win, he’ll need to improve his focus.  Instead of more bullpen sessions, maybe he should head to the golf course.


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