Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

You’ve got to be kidding me (Part 5)

April 6, 2015 by  
Filed under Coaching

Update: I have been told by a few people that this was an initiation thing by veteran players and not the idea of this particular rookie.  I stand corrected.  (Between you and me … it still doesn’t belong on a field.

Maybe I’m just getting old and grouchy.  Maybe I’ve just lost touch with the real world.  

Tell me something … how in the world does this Phillies outfielder ever make in onto a major league field wearing this …


And this is a ROOKIE!

If you checked out my bio, you know I played in the Twins organization.  No organization is perfect but I can guarantee without a doubt that the Twins would put this young man back in a minor league uniform faster than it took the ball to reach his throwing partner.

I don’t care how many games you win or championships you earn.  It’s how you handle stuff like this that will define you and your program in the long run.  

I don’t know about you but if I walked out and saw this from one of my players … I think someone would be dialing 911 shortly after.

One comment on “You’ve got to be kidding me (Part 5)

  1. Coach,
    Pretty sure this was a prank by the veterans, the kind where they steal the rookies clothes and leave him with embarrassing clothes.

    I think I heard that Ruiz bought him a new suit, and Herrera joked that it was too small. In response, Ruiz took his uni and left a skin-tight hooters shirt there instead.

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